NOTE: Journal Entries are the record for transactions taking place such as:
- Internal charges between departments within the University
- ex. catering charging for services
- Reimbursements/transfers between departments
**Journal entries previously sent to should now be done through this TDX Ticketing process**
Any further documentation on how the chart of accounts are setup can be found Here
1. In a new tab open up the University of Windsor, Finance Department webpage (, click on Glossary of Policies, Procedures & Forms – from the button on the front page or in the left-hand column

2. In the Forms, Policies & Reference Guides page, scroll down until you reach the Forms section. Click General Accounting

3. Click GA01 – Journal Entry Template (Finance & Campus Users) to download
4. Fill in all necessary fields
- Fund – 2 numbers
- Department – 4 numbers
- Program – 5 numbers
- Project – 6 numbers
- Natural Account – 5 numbers
- Classification – 3 numbers
- Interfund – 2 numbers
- Future Use – 3 numbers

NOTE: Projects and programs are mutually exclusive, if you have one, you cannot have the other
NOTE: All fields marked with * must be filled in - zero’s are significant and need to be inputted
5. Once completed, save spreadsheet and backup in one folder location on your computer.It’s important to have both in the same folder so that they can be uploaded properly into the TDX ticketing system.
NOTE: What Constitutes Proper Backup?
- Emails from departments approving a charge and/or providing an account number
- Meeting minutes
- Working copy of spreadsheets calculating amounts
- Invoices/receipts
- Any internal forms you may have
- External system reports (external to UWinsite Finance such as Forte or Bookware)
- Or simply a detailed description of what the entry is trying to accomplish
6. Navigate to
7. Click on Open Ticket – NOTE: you may need to first sign-in with your uwinid and password

8. Here you will follow the form and fill out the necessary information. Requester information should be auto-populated.Required fields are marked with a red .Scroll down to Request Type. In the drop-down, choose Request New Journal Entry (Post My JE)

9. A new set of criteria will show in the ticket to fill out based on this request type.The first section is a link the journal entry spreadsheet.This is the same spreadsheet you may have already filled out in Step 2.This link is simply there for convenience if you have not already filled the spreadsheet out.If you already have the journal template and your backup saved and ready, please ignore this link.NOTE: if you click on the link, it does not automatically save or populate into the ticket. You would still need to save in a folder to upload later.

10. In the Title section, it is important to change the default “UWinsite Finance Support Request” to the name of your journal batch.This is in the same format that your journal entry should be in which is “UWinid YYYY-MM-DD short description of entry” where the date is the date you are submitting the ticket.This may differ from the accounting date in the journal template.The accounting date relates to the month in which the entry should be posted.Character limit for UWinsite on the journal batch description is 252 characters.

11. Multiple Funds – This refers to the first segment of the GL account string. If an entry is going from fund 01 to fund 01, the answer here would be “No”. If the entry is going from Fund 01 to Fund 08, the answer here would be “Yes” because there are two different funds impacted from the entry. This helps Finance determine who should be responsible for the entry
12. Fund– This refers to the specific funds the entry will be charged to. This also aids us in determining where to triage the ticket.
13. Charge Fund 08 – Although this seems redundant, choosing Yes or No triggers more fields in the ticket and loop in more information. If the entry is debiting or crediting a fund 08 GL string, please choose “Yes” here.
14. Budget/Accounting Year – this is the ending of the current fiscal year. For example, if the end of the fiscal year is April 2022, the Accounting Year would be 2022.
15. Budget/Accounting Month – this is the accounting date your entry should be posted to. This does not relate to the date you are submitting the ticket as the month end does not close for roughly 10 days after the end of the month for purposes of posting relevant entries.
16. Total Debits/Credits – This is the total of your entry that can be found at the top of your journal entry sheet.
17. Additional Comments – this field is optional but a great way to explain what the entry is for and any other relevant details you wish for the reviewer to be aware of with regard to the entry.
18. Attachment (s) - It is important these instructions are followed as the ticketing system has a little nuance when it comes to adding multiple attachments. You will recall in Step 5 that it was asked to save your journal entry template and relevant backup in the same folder. This is the step where you will retrieve these files and the importance of saving them in one location. Click on Browse and navigate to the folder you have saved your files in (both the journal excel file and your backup). You MUST hold down the CTRL (control) key on your keyboard when you are choosing your multiple files. Click on all files and then hit Open.
19. Lastly, there are two confirmation statements that must be checked.The first relates to whether you have uploaded the journal entry spreadsheet (found in Step 2) and the second relates to whether you have uploaded your supporting backup documentation that states why you are making the entry.Check both boxes if you have done so.
20. Click REQUEST.You will get a confirmation of your ticket number. If at any time you want to review your tickets, you can click on Ticket Requests in the top menu and search for them. By clicking into them, you will be able to see what the current status is of the ticket you submitted. Once the entry has been posted and approved, you will get an update to the ticket marking it complete. You may also get other notifications on the ticket if the reviewer requires more information. Please ensure your response is timely to ensure we can process your requests as quickly as possible.

NOTE: For any additional help:
- Visit the Resource Listing page for step by step videos and additional handouts