How do I access PaperCut Admin Features?


Overview of admin features


In some areas, a limited number of PaperCut administrative functions for specific devices or user accounts have been delegated to campus technicians or departmental staff.

To access the PaperCut administrative portal, go to

To access and change Entra ID group memberships, go to and select My Groups / Groups that I own.  Some PaperCut filters and restrictions are group-based. Not all of the Entra ID groups are synced to PaperCut.  Group changes from Entra ID are synced to PaperCut at midnight each night. Group changes made at Microsoft may not be reflected in PaperCut until the next day.

In the PaperCut Admin interface, the settings are spread out as follows in the left menu:

Accounts - This is where group accounts are defined and changed. You may be given access to accounts in your area. Click on a specific account to set options.

Printers - Click on a specific printer to adjust configurations.

  • Summary: set hold/release, Web print, and email to print
  • Filters & Restrictions: Limit access to printing to specific groups, limit colour printing and document size limits
  • Job Log: Shows a history of printing
  • Statistics: Generate stats and graphs for various time periods

Devices - Click on a specific device to adjust settings.

  • Summary: Setup hold/release options. Define scanning actions, see current device status and toner levels
  • Filters & Restrictions: Define specific user groups allowed to login (for scanning, releasing and copying)




Article ID: 151419
Fri 6/7/24 4:18 PM
Fri 6/7/24 4:19 PM