How to Set Accommodation for Students in a Quiz or Assignment


If a student requires a different length of time or a different date to complete a quiz or assignment than the rest of the class, special access, or an accommodation, can be set for one or more students following these steps.


  1. Navigate to Quizzes and click New Quiz or navigate to Assignments and click New Assignment. You can follow the next steps if you edit an existing assignment or quiz, as well.
    arrow 1 pointing to new assignment button
  2. On the right panel, click Availability Dates & Conditions to expand the section and click the Manage Special Access button.
    arrow 2 pointing to manage special access button
  3. On the new pop-up window, make sure the first option is selected and click Add Users to Special Access.
    arrow 3 pointing to add users to special access button
  4. In the next pop-up window, set the desired accommodation settings under Properties section.
    arrow 4 pointing to properties options
  5. Scroll down to the Users section and select the students for this accommodation by clicking in the check box to the right of the student’s name and click Save.
    arrow 5 pointing to a user and save button



Article ID: 151481
Fri 11/8/24 10:58 AM
Wed 1/22/25 3:30 PM