How do I Enroll Myself and My Family in Benefit & Life Insurance Coverage


Follow the instructions to help you enroll health benefits and life insurance. This activity should be completed on the first day of work. If you need more time to complete it reach out to HR and they can work with you.

In your browser, go to Complete your single sign-on in UWinsite People using your full as your username and your UWin Account password. Then:  

1. Under Me, select Benefits. Navigate to the Before You Enroll and ensure all individuals/contacts (Article - How to Add Family Members as Contacts) you want to enroll are listed on your People to Cover. If you have a life insurance beneficiary under the age of 18 years old you also need to include the trustee as a contact.

2. After your review, select Continue.

It is important to read the messages as they will provide directions for you as you navigate the enrolment process.

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On the enrolment screen you will see the benefits cost per pay period. It may be zero-dollars if you are in an employer paid plan and do not elect optional coverage. You will also find a list of the benefits for which are eligible, such as Greenshield Health benefits, Life benefits, and Disability.

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Enrolment Benefits Types in this Article 


Greenshield Health Insurance Enrolment

The first section will be Greenshield coverage if you are eligible. For new employees, please change this section if applicable before the end of the enrollment window.

1. Select Edit.

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2. Review each section and choose the appropriate coverage (Single/Family). All coverage must be the same for all components (i.e. you cannot only elect single drug coverage and family vision coverage.)

  • For family coverage, ensure everyone you want to cover has a checkmark, and select OK.

3. Repeat the process for each type of coverage. (Extended Health, Vision, Travel, etc.)

Note: Current Employees, if you have recently added a Spouse or Adult Dependent, you’ll need to complete some actions before your coverage is extended to family coverage (you will see these in Pending Actions on the main Benefits page).

Tip: When choosing coverage, you cannot enroll in Travel alone; there must be at least one other selection.

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There are two types of benefit plans:

  1. Employee Contribution to Premium Costs: If you belong to a benefit group where you pay some of benefit cost, you will see the cost is displayed to help you determine if you want to enroll for each component (ie. Drug, Dental, etc). If the rate is not visible, the cost is covered by the University of Windsor.
  2. Fully Paid Benefits: For employees with paid benefit plans, you are able to waive coverage, this change in enrollment will not take effect until the annual open enrollment period in August, and effective September 1.

4. Once components of your plan are chosen, select Continue. You will return to the benefits listing page.

Adult Dependent Health Benefit Enrolment

Find Adult Dependents under the Greenshield Adult Dependent section.

  1. Select the checkbox next to the type of coverage you want. Make sure the Adult Dependent you are covering has a checkbox, then click OK.

The cost will be listed for each health component.

You cannot choose travel coverage only. If you elect travel, you need to choose at least one other coverage type.

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2. Upon completion, this coverage will go into suspended status until the Confirmation of Adult Dependent Eligibility is completed and noted in your Pending Actions.


Life Insurance Enrollment

Basic Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)

If you are in a benefits group with life insurance, you are auto-enrolled.

1. To begin your designation, select Edit.

2. On the Basic Life and AD&D screen, select pencil to edit designations in each section.

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Basic Life

For Basic Life, make sure to designate your beneficiaries. If you do not see a beneficiary here, return to the People to Cover section and create a new contact. The percentage allocation must a whole number and equal 100%. As you start allocating percentages, the remaining amount will be displayed.

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3. Optional: You can include contingent beneficiaries, but not required. A contingent beneficiary is a person who is entitled to some or all of your insurance assets if the primary beneficiary/beneficiaries is not able to accept them (ex. deceased, or cannot be located).

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 4. Once you have made your designations, select OK.

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5. Repeat the steps for Basic AD & D.

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6. After assigning all beneficiaries, you will see the percentage breakdown in your Basic Life and AD&D screen. Review and make changes if needed. When completed, select Continue.

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Optional Life and AD&D

1. If applicable, you can elect to participate, select Edit.

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Important: The system defaults to waived coverage, but if you are interested in purchasing coverage, please select covered and deselect waived to avoid errors in enrolment.

You will need to define beneficiaries for Employee Optional Life and Employee Optional AD&D if you choose it. The beneficiary of the Spousal Optional Life/AD&D and the Dependent Optional Life/AD&D, if elected, will be auto-assigned as the employee themselves. 

Note: If you wish to enroll a dependent child in Dependent Child Optional AD&D, you must first be enrolled in Employee Optional AD&D

2. Once you are satisfied with you selection, Continue.

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We also suggest you read Special Rules to Note when Selecting Optional Life and AD&D Coverage article for additional information when considering enrolment in this optional coverage.


Disability (if applicable)

This is an auto-enrollment section. No action needed. It covers the sick leave coverage and the long-term disability coverage.

1. Once you reviewed your choices, click Submit.

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A confirmation message will confirm your elections were saved. This page will show your suspended coverage and costs for AD&D. You can print this page or select the back to go to your Benefits.

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If you want to have changes, select Make Changes, or Pending Actions if you want to finalize the enrollment steps.

Pending Actions

This section remains empty if you have not elected family coverage, adult dependent coverage or any optional life coverage.

This may include:

  • New Spouse (Legal/Common Law) – Need to complete the Declaration of Spousal Status Form. Select the blue title to see the required document and where to submit it. Once submitted, the HR Administrator will review, and approve it, if it meets eligible criteria.
  • Adult Dependent Election – Need to complete Confirmation of Adult Dependent Eligibility. Select the blue title to see the required document and where to submit it. Once submitted, the HR Administrator will review, and approve it, if it meets eligible criteria Once submitted, the HR Administrator will review, and approve it, if it meets the eligible criteria.
  • Proof of Good Health – Required for Optional Life/AD&D for Employee/Spouse. A Proof of Good Health form must be submitted to the carrier for each individual covered (i.e. one for Employee, one for Spouse, if listed). Dependents do not need to complete this form, the coverage is automatically approved. Once the provider approves the form(s), HR can enable the coverage.
  • Assign BeneficiariesMake sure you assign beneficiaries for all Life and AD&D coverages.

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Article ID: 151511
Mon 11/25/24 2:56 PM
Sat 1/4/25 12:16 PM

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