What Is The Billing Process For The University Purchasing Card (PCard) Program


Information on how to access card statement, who pays the card balance and how to handle disputes.

Transactions made on the card are uploaded from the bank once per month to the UWinsite Finance System and charged to cardholder’s applicable account. Individual cardholders have the option to reassign accounts for expenditures prior to this upload. For more information, refer to the PDF documenting the Files section on the right.

A consolidated credit statement complete with individual details will be sent to cardholders, as well as Purchasing. Cardholders can log in to CentreSuite to view their statements on the 16th of each month before the statement is e-mailed. All balances will be paid by Purchasing to the bank within the required deadlines to avoid interest penalties.

In cases where there are disputes over credit card purchases, cardholders are responsible to complete and submit a Scotia Bank Commerce Card Dispute Form (see Files section on the right). Cardholders should first attempt to resolve any disputed charges with suppliers prior to contacting the bank. Any credit forthcoming will be credited to the cardholders account once the credit has been processed.

