Software Licensing

Faculty, staff and students who would like to use software that is not covered by any of the campus-wide licensing agreements can submit a request to purchase a license. Once the funds have been transferred from the account specified in the ticket, the license will be automatically assigned to user's UWin Account for subscription based products. For other products, the license key will be e-mailed to the client with instructions.

University-owned computers that are joined to Azure Active Directory and managed via Intune, will have the software installed automatically as soon as the license is paid for and assigned. Users will also have the option to install it themselves form the University of Windsor app store or Company Portal app (replacement of SoftwareDepot).

See important information on the bottom of this page before submitting your ticket.

Software License Cost Additional Information
Microsoft Visio $37 user/year Microsoft Visio and Project Licensing
Microsoft Project Online Pro $94 user/year Microsoft Visio and Project Licensing
Microsoft Power BI Pro $37 user/year Accessing Power BI
Microsoft Power BI Basic $0 Very limited access, see Accessing Power BI for details
Microsoft Teams Room $100‎ user/year  
Adobe Acrobat Subscription For Faculty and Staff only $0 as of October 20th, 2023 Adobe Licensing
Adobe Creative Cloud $480.00 user/year Adobe Licensing
IBM SPSS Statistics for Faculty/Staff $120 user/year

Downloading and Installing IBM SPSS Statistics

IBM SPSS Statistics for Students $120 user/year  
IBM SPSS Amos $120 user/year

Downloading and Installing IBM SPSS Amos

MatLab Toolbox price will be quoted based on toolbox desired  

Note:  NVivo is no longer being centrally licensed.  For more information, please read this article for NVivo.

Requesting Assistance

Have a question about this service? Ask it here.

To submit your request to purchase new license for any of the software mentioned above, or to extend your existing subscription, or transfer previously purchased license to another person, please click on the Open Ticket button on the right. This will bring up a form that you will need to fill-out and submit to open a support ticket with the I.T. Service Desk. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the ticket reference number and additional instructions.


  • You must include a full 30-digit UWinsite Finance account number in your ticket, if you are requesting one of the licenses that is not free. Otherwise, we cannot process your request.
  • You can request only one license per ticket.
  • You must enter the name of the person who the license is for as requestor, if you are submitting this ticket on behalf of someone else.
Open Ticket

Related Articles (6)

IBM SPSS Amos is a powerful structural equation modeling (SEM) software helping support your research and theories by extending standard multivariate analysis methods, including regression, factor analysis, correlation and analysis of variance. This article explains how to download and install the software, and how to purchase a license for it.
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Information on licensing, installing and using Power BI apps.
With Office 365, Microsoft transitioned to subscription-based licensing. Licenses for individual products are purchased and assigned to individual users online rather than by entering Product Key on the workstation. Microsoft Visio and Project are not covered by the current licensing agreement. Clients interested in using this software have the option to purchase the subscription license thought IT Services at a discounted academic pricing.
Updated NVivo licensing
This article contains information on how University faculty, staff and students can obtain software that they are licensed for under campus agreements, or can purchase a discounted license for under the academic/volume pricing agreements.

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