General Software Support

IT Services provides the highest level of support for a selection of software packages. The software packages selected for full support are determined by perceived demand, support available for similar packages, knowledge of staff, and the time required (and available) to learn the packages. 

Other software packages are supported by technicians or the functional professionals in the department or area in which the software is used.  

Software on University computers and personal BYOD computers is administered by Microsoft Intune device management platform. To install University software on your device: 

  1. Launch Company Portal app that is already installed on your work computer, or go to University of Windsor Intune Company Portal ( and sign in with your UWin Account (Microsoft work or school account), if prompted. 

  1. Click on Apps. 

  1. Find the software that you need to install and click on its title to see details. 

  1. Click on Install button. 

Requesting Assistance

Have a question about this service? Ask it here

To request assistance with these packages, click on the corresponding link: 

To request assistance with other software packages including Engineering software, please click on Open Ticket button on the right. This will bring up a form that you will need to fill-out and submit to open a support ticket with the IT Service Desk. You will receive a confirmation email with the ticket reference number and additional instructions. 

Open Ticket

Related Articles (2)

Frequently asked questions related to Microsoft 365 Apps suite for students.
All workstations managed by Intune will receive an automated installation of Microsoft 365 Apps (formerly Office 365 Pro Plus). The procedure outlined in this article should only be used on workstations that have not yet been upgraded to Modern Desktop as well as BYOD workstations (eg. home computer) and student computers.

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