View All Expense Reports I have Submitted
1. From UWinsite Finance home screen click on the Expense module
2. Click on the Magnifying Glass on the left-hand side
3. Click on Advanced
4. Manage Expense Reports page will be displayed, click Search with no parameters entered to view a list of all Expense Reports you've submitted
- For more defined results, enter in desired Parameters and click Search
5. A List of Submitted Expense Reports with details will be displayed
NOTE: Recent Expense Reports, including reports not yet submitted, will be displayed in tiles on the Travel and Expenses home screen
View All Expense Reports Delegate has Submitted
1. From UWinsite Finance home screen click on the Expense module
2. Select the name of the Delegate from the Owner drop down menu
3. Click on the Magnifying Glass on the left-hand side
4. Click on Advanced
5. Manage Expense Reports page will be displayed, click Search with no parameters entered to view a list of all Expense Reports submitted under their account
- For more defined results, enter in desired Parameters and click Search
6. A List of Submitted Expense Reports with details will be displayed
NOTE: Recent Expense Reports, including reports not yet submitted, will be displayed in tiles on the Travel and Expenses home screen