Contractor UWin Account


Contractors working at the University of Windsor require a UWin Account for key control and the Safe Lancer app.


Contractors working at the University of Windsor require a UWin Account. Contractor UWin Accounts are a form of personal digital identification and used for key control and the Safe Lancer app.

Account Activation

Facility Services will request UWin Accounts on behalf of contractors. Once a request has been processed by IT Services, an activation email will be sent to the contractor. Using the UWin ID and Activation Code provided in the activation email, the contractor will need to activate their UWin Account at

To complete activation of a Contractor UWin Account, the contractor will need to:

Getting Assistance

For assistance activating a Contractor UWin Account, contractors can contact the IT Service Desk during University business hours by calling 519-253-3000 ext. 4440 or by clicking the live chat icon in the bottom right corner of or

Safe Lancer App

To sign into the Safe Lancer app, contractors need to use the their as their login name (including the "" part) and a corresponding UWin Account password. This app can be downloaded from Google Play on Android or Apple App Store on iPhone.



Article ID: 137590
Tue 9/7/21 9:10 PM
Wed 11/3/21 7:27 PM

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