How to Create a Payment Request for a Research Scholarship in UWinsite Finance


Research Scholarship are processed through UWinsite Finance. Follow the steps to pay a scholarship recipient.


Research Scholarship are being paid through UWinsite Finance as of Dec. 1, 2024. 

Consideration before starting a payment request: 

  •  If the student being awarded the scholarship is not yet a supplier, please see the How can I add a new supplier? knowledge-base article and add the student in the UWinsite Finance address book. One TDX Supplier request ticket can be used to add multiple scholarship recipients, see the how can I add a new supplier knowledge-base article
  • If you do not have the Procurement tile within UWinsite Finance, you can request access with the following ticket to Request Access to the Payment Request and Purchase Orders. Or you can contact the finance manager or administrative assistant within your department or Faculty to assist you with the Purchase Requisition process. 
  1. In UWinsite Finance, click Procurement and select Purchase Requisitions.  

  2. Under Request Forms click Payment Request.  

  3. Ensure all fields with asterisk (*) are complete:

  • Item Description: Payment Request for Research Scholarship – Student’s Name 
  • Category Name: Scholarships and Bursaries 
  • Amount: Value to be paid. (Note: No HST nor statutory benefits will be applied) 
  • Currency: CAD 
  • Supplier: Select the UWindsor Student to whom you would like to issue the scholarship. 
  • Supplier Site: Confirm it is the desired Supplier Site 
  • Under Attachments, click the Plus Sign (+) 
    • Click Browse and select appropriate files for upload. Please upload a completed form. ADD NEW FORM TO THE WEBSITE & LINK IT 
    • The Title field will self-populate with the name of the file, enter in the Description of the file. 
  1. Once all supporting attachments have been added, click Add to Cart

  2. Click the Shopping Cart and select Review

  • Review the following information:  

    • Requestor: Your Name or Delegator’s Name
    • Deliver to Location: UW – Main Campus – Receiving Doc 
    • If Deliver To Location is not setup the system will not allow you to submit the request. 
    • Project Costing Details: 
    • Project Number: Enter the Project Number in the Project Number field and DO NOT alter the Charge Account field. The Charge Account field will be adjusted once saved. It is very important that the charge account string is NOT manually adjusted, as it will not be routed properly. 
    • Task Number: 1.1.1.Research Scholarships and Bursaries (Note: If this task is not appearing, please speak with your Project Manager, as a scholarship may not be an eligible expense). 
    • Expenditure Item Date: Date of Scholarships issuance 
  • Expenditure Type: Select the appropriate type based on the recipient 
    • Graduate Domestic – MAS Domestic Scholarships 
    • Graduate International – MAS International Scholarships 
    • Doctorate Domestic – DOC Domestic Scholarships 
    • Doctorate International – DOC International Scholarships 
  • Expenditure Organization: Department assigned to the Project Number being charged. 
  • Charge Account: Remains as the Default Expense Account assigned to your UWinsite Profile. DO NOT change this account, once you save your Payment Requisition, the Charge Account will be updated based on the Project Number and Expenditure Organization fields entered. 
  • If you need to split the cost between different accounts, click Split, enter the Project Number and the Percentage amount for each account. 
  1. Click Save and then Save and Close, if not completed or click Submit to process. 

  2. The requisition will route to the one-up approver, Research Finance, to the PI (grant holder) and then to accounts payable for payment. 

ONCE ALL APPROVALS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, the submitter will receive an email with the PO#. Once received please go in to “Receive the goods/services”:

  1. From UWinsite Finance, click the Navigator and under Procurement. Select My Receipts.
  2. From the Receive Items page, enter in the required information. NOTE: Different Advanced Search parameters can also be used.
  3. Requestor: Your Name
  4. Items Due: Any Time
  5. Requisitioning BU: UW BU
  6. Click Search
  7. Under Search Results, Highlight the desired Requisition and click Receive.
  8. In the Current Receipts page, the remaining amount owing is shown in the Quantity field. Enter in the Amount Received, to be paid to the supplier, based on the Scholarship value to be paid, and click Submit. NOTE: The Quantity amount will reflect the received amount once a receipt is submitted.
  9. Confirmation page will be displayed – You created the following receipt numbers: XXXXX, click Ok.
  10. Once you receive an invoice, please email a copy along with the PO number to, to initiate the payment.
  • You will not be notified to receive your goods / services. Please ensure you perform the receipting function in UWinsite Finance monthly to ensure the University’s records are accurate and up to date.
  • Until the receiving of goods or services is complete, the student will not be paid.
  • If you have received an invoice for your goods / services please email it to along with the PO number, after receiving your items.

See the FAQ found in related documents to troubleshoot any problem you may have with paying a research scholarship. 



Article ID: 151456
Mon 11/4/24 5:29 PM
Mon 11/25/24 10:02 PM

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