How can I add a new Supplier?

The supplier address book found in UWinsite Finance Self-Service Procurement module, contains the records of all the contractors, vendors, and others who conduct business with the University.   

Before a requisition can be issued, or an invoice can be paid, the supplier must be added to the address book, if their supplier record is not found. The Supplier banking information is obtained through the Procurement Office’s Supplier Self-Serve Portal.  

From the UWinsite Finance’s Self-Service Procurement module, all staff members with UWinsite Finance access can search for suppliers, by name, to identify whether a supplier is in already in the address book. 

If you identify a supplier that is not in the address book and wish to do business with the supplier, please follow the instructions below. (Updated on February 1, 2022 to reflect the new Self-Service Supplier portal.

  • A University staff member submits a UWinsite Finance ticket to request the addition of a supplier 
  • Select Requesting the Addition of a Supplier from the Request Type drop down list 

Requesting to add new supplier from list

  • Fill in basic supplier details 
  • Select Request to submit your ticket 

Request button on ticket

Special Note: 

When there are multiple Research Assistant Scholarship recipients, you can use one ticket. Please ensure you select Research Scholarship under the Payment Type field in the drop-down menu. Please provide a spreadsheet with the Suppliers' names, email addresses and student numbers. This selection will flag your request as a bulk submission to our Suppliers team, allowing them to prioritize it appropriately.

After the Ticket is Submitted 

The procurement office will review the ticket and send the supplier (company or individual) a link to register in the self-serve supplier portal and submit their information including banking details through the online form.   

The procurement office will review the Supplier’s information and approve the application. Once the supplier and application are approved, the supplier will be added to the system.  

The supplier will receive an approval email with further instructions to activate their Self-Service Supplier Portal account.  

The University staff member who requested the additional supplier will receive an email indicating the supplier has been added to the Supplier Portal and their ticket is complete.