PDC Forms - Documentation for Proposers


The PDC Forms site in an Approval Workflow. For Proposers, it removes the mystery and confusion often associated with how to obtain approval for program and course changes. The proposals are automatically sent through the appropriate approval workflow, based on the general information about the proposal provided by the proposer. The Approval Workflow also allows proposers to track the approval of their proposal, from Department Council approval to Senate approval.


Purpose of the PDC Forms Site:

The PDC Forms site in an Approval Workflow. For Proposers, it removes the mystery and confusion often associated with how to obtain approval for program and course changes. The proposals are automatically sent through the appropriate approval workflow, based on the general information about the proposal provided by the proposer. The Approval Workflow also allows proposers to track the approval of their proposal, from Department Council approval to Senate approval.

Table of Contents


Accessing the Site

In order to access the site, open up a browser and use the following URL link:


Upon navigating to the URL you will be presented with a Microsoft Sign-in screen. Use your UWin email address (UWINID@uwindsor.ca) and password to log in. (The same password you would use if you were to login to your UWin email)


If you have entered the right credentials, you will be presented with the following screen.

If you receive an error message saying that you do not have permission (image below), then it means you have not been added to the site and would need access granted to you by either Renée Wintermute (reneew@uwindsor; x3347) or Alison Zilli (alisonz@uwindsor.ca; x3325).


Navigating the Site

As a Proposer, you have access to the “Proposer” view of the site. There are two types of navigation available to you. The navigation menu on the “left” and the larger tiles on the home page.

Left Navigation

The Left Navigation menu will be available to you regardless of what page you are on while navigating through the website. The only exception is the Task Completion stage.

  • Home

Directs you to your home screen.

  • My Submissions

Directs you to view your current or past PDC Submissions

  • My Tasks

Directs you to your current or past tasks assigned

  • Workflow Comments (unavailable to Proposers)
  • Recent

Produces a list of the pages you have visited recently

  • Recycle Bin (unavailable to Proposers)


Home Page Tile Navigation

This menu is available to you on the Home Page and contains the following tiles to direct you to various pages on the site that you will be using.

  • Instructions and Help

This will direct you to the “program and Course Changes” website found at http://www.uwindsor.ca/qualityassurance/810/program-and-course-changes

It includes all the steps to take in order to obtain approval for program and course changes.

  • PDC Workflow Chart

Clicking this will open the “PDC E-Approval Workflow Chart” in a new tab, which outlines the various stages your submission will go through in order to be approved.

  • Submit PDC Form

Directs you to the Submission page. Here you provide general information about your submission, i.e Program Name, form selection, Faculty, etc. This is to ensure that your submission is directed to the right approval groups. Once you have submitted a proposal, you have no access to edit it in any way or make any changes to the attached forms, unless it is re-routed back to you for revisions.

Note: You can submit more than one form with one proposal. This is not only allowed, but encouraged. However, please ensure that you DO NOT mix graduate proposals with undergraduate proposals, as they are subject to different approval workflows. IF YOUR PROPOSAL includes both graduate and undergraduate programs or courses (e.g, cross-listing a graduate with an undergraduate course; a proposal for a concurrent undergraduate/graduate program offering), submit the proposal as a graduate proposal and check the “Graduate Program” box.


  • My Approvals

Approval groups have the option of making your submission available to you for revision purposes (see screenshot below). Please note that copies of your previous submissions will be kept for reviewing. So be careful to only revise what you have been asked to change.

  • Access PDC Forms

The first row contains links to the forms that you need to download, fill and attach to your PDC submission. Clicking on PDC Learning Outcomes Forms on the second row will redirect you to the CuMA Database website for the creation and revision of program or course learning outcomes, which you will then submit through the PDC Approval Workflow. Instructions on how to use this website can be found by reviewing the documentation on:



Completing a Task

In the case where an approval group is requesting that you make revisions to your submission, your submission is made available to you to edit. An email will be sent to you explaining the reason for which a revision is requested and a link to your submission will be included as well.

“Tasks” are used to notify the approval group that you have completed your revisions and uploaded all the necessary forms to your proposal. In the email earlier, there is a link to the tasks that are “Assigned to [you]” which will bring you to a page that looks like this:

Before opening the task (e.g, “Proposer revisions Addressing Comments…”), download the proposal, make your revisions, and upload the revised proposal. Open the task by clicking on the task name (Proposer revisions Addressing Comments…), and simply clicking on the button labeled “Complete Task”, to complete the task. Clicking this button revokes your “Edit” access to your proposal and notifies the respective approval group of your re-submission.


How to Submit a Proposal

To submit a proposal, you need to navigate to the homepage and click on any of the tiles under the “Access PDC Forms” title (1). The first row links to downloadable PDC Forms that can be attached to the submission and the second row of tiles will redirect you to the CuMA Database website to create or update your program or course learning outcomes. For PDC Forms A-E: once you have completed all sections of the PDC Form, go to the home page once again, click on the tile that reads, “Submit PDC Form” (2), to open the submission form (3). For learning outcomes: create or revise the learning outcomes in the CuMA database, select “Print PDC Form” to save a copy, upload the copy to the PDC Approval Workflow by going to the PDC Approval Workflow home page once again, click on the title that reads “Submit PDC Form” (2), to open the submission form (3).

Fill in the fields of the “PDC Forms New Application” according to your proposal and then use the attachments icon to attach your form(s) to go along with it. Click submit at the bottom of the form. If your form was submitted successfully, you will get a message reading “Form submitted successfully”, and a confirmation email will be sent to you as well.


Viewing a Submission

You can always view the proposals that you have submitted by using the navigation options that have been given to you through the Left Navigation menu and the Tiles Menu on the Home page. Clicking on either of these items will take you to the “My Submissions” page which displays all the proposals you have submitted to date.

This is what the page looks like:

If you click on a specific submission, it will look similar to this:

Please note that unless you have been given “Edit” access to your submission, you will not be able to make changes to the submission.


Editing a Submission

Approval groups have the ability to give you access to your submission to make requested revisions prior to approving your submission to go forward.

When this happens, you will get an email explaining what is required of you, which would include editing your submission. Included in the email is a link that will go directly to your submission page that will look similar to the screenshot below.

At this point, you should have been given “Edit” access to the submission. If this is the case, the “Edit Item” button will be active.

Clicking on this will allow the submission to go in an “Edit” state, which looks similar to this:

From here you can edit the “PDC Forms New Application” form, download the proposal and make revisions, and re-upload the revised forms. Please be sure to revise only the areas you have been asked to modify so as to preserve your approval status with previous approval groups.

To save your revised proposal, click on the “Save” button on the top left ribbon. When all revisions have been addressed and the revised form(s) uploaded, click on the “Submit” button on the bottom of the “PDC Forms New Application” form. This action revokes “Edit” access to your submission and the approval group that requested the resubmission will be notified for review.


Help Contacts and Support

PDC Forms Help (non-technical)

Please contact Renée Wintermute (ext. 3347; reneew@uwindsor.ca) or Alison Zilli (ext. 3325; alisonz@uwindsor.ca) if you have any questions regarding using the site.

PDC Forms Help (technical)

Please contact ITS Helpdesk at ext. 4440 for any technical issues that arise.





Article ID: 52675
Wed 4/25/18 4:44 PM
Thu 3/2/23 2:38 PM

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