How to submit a Senate PDC form for approval?

Tags sharepoint

Accessing the Site

In order to access the site, open up a browser and use the following URL link:


Upon navigating to the URL you will be presented with a Microsoft Sign-in screen. Use your UWin email address ( and password to log in. (The same password you would use if you were to login to your UWin email)

Downloading the Form

To submit a proposal, you need to navigate to the homepage and click on any of the tiles under the “Access PDC Forms” title (1). The first row links to downloadable PDC Forms that can be attached to the submission and the second row of tiles will redirect you to the CuMA Database website to create or update your program or course learning outcomes. For PDC Forms A-E: once you have completed all sections of the PDC Form, go to the home page once again, click on the tile that reads, “Submit PDC Form” (2), to open the submission form (3). For learning outcomes: create or revise the learning outcomes in the CuMA database, select “Print PDC Form” to save a copy, upload the copy to the PDC Approval Workflow by going to the PDC Approval Workflow home page once again, click on the title that reads “Submit PDC Form” (2), to open the submission form (3).

Fill in the fields of the “PDC Forms New Application” according to your proposal and then use the attachments icon to attach your form(s) to go along with it. Click submit at the bottom of the form. If your form was submitted successfully, you will get a message reading “Form submitted successfully”, and a confirmation email will be sent to you as well.

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The PDC Forms site in an Approval Workflow. For Proposers, it removes the mystery and confusion often associated with how to obtain approval for program and course changes. The proposals are automatically sent through the appropriate approval workflow, based on the general information about the proposal provided by the proposer. The Approval Workflow also allows proposers to track the approval of their proposal, from Department Council approval to Senate approval.
The PDC Forms site in an Approval Workflow. For Proposers, it removes the mystery and confusion often associated with how to obtain approval for program and course changes. The proposals are automatically sent through the appropriate approval workflow, based on the general information about the proposal provided by the proposer. The Approval Workflow also allows proposers to track the approval of their proposal, from Department Council approval to Senate approval.

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Microsoft Power Automate, formerly Microsoft Flow, is a service that allows to create automated workflows between apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more. IT Services utilizes Microsoft’s Power Automate workflow engine to automate the processing of various tasks.

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