How to Update or Add Banking Information for my Payroll Direct Deposit

In your browser, go to Complete your single sign-on in UWinsite People using your full UWinID@uwindsor.caas your username and your UWin Account password. Then: 

  1. In Me , under Quick Actions in the left hand-side menu, scroll down and select Show More

  2. Navigate to the Pay section, select Payment Methods.  

  3. Under Bank Accounts you can  

    • Edit existing banking information: 

      • If you already have banking information on file, it will be displayed. To make changes, select pencil icon and edit necessary fields. Please ensure to select the Active check box to make this bank account active for payroll. You can only have one bank account active for Payroll at a time. When complete, select Save

    • Add new banking information:  

      • Select the +Add button. Enter in the bank account number and bank transit number (sometimes referred to as branch number). To make this new bank account active for payroll, select the Active check box select. When complete, select Save.  

    • Please note that you can add up to two active bank accounts to your profile; however, payroll cannot be split between them. Your full pay will be deposited into a single designated account. 

    • To change the bank account where your pay is deposited, navigate to My Payment Methods and click the pencil icon to edit. From the Bank Account drop down menu, select the account you wish to designate as your main account, then click Save to confirm the changes.