Are student Social Insurance Numbers (SINs) available in UWinsite Student?

Shortly after UWinsite Student launched on Monday, November 26, the University and UWinsite team were made aware of student concerns about the visibility of their Social Insurance Numbers (SINs) in the new platform.  In response to these concerns, the University masked SINs. Consequently, only the last four digits of a SIN are visible to the student under their Profile tab in UWinsite Student.

The University’s legal director has confirmed that there was no breach of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) in providing students access to their SINs in this manner, and that the University has at all times been in compliance with the Act.  The technical team has also confirmed that UWinsite Student has multiple levels of security in place and employs all industry standards and best practices to ensure UWinsite Student protects student privacy and confidentiality.

We apologize for any distress caused by this situation, and trust the steps taken have addressed the concerns raised.


Article ID: 67742
Tue 11/27/18 3:33 PM
Wed 11/28/18 8:58 AM