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    Find steps on how to add entries to your hourly employee timecards.
    Managers can learn how to create a requisition to be posted and solicit applications. Note all job require a requisition in order to hire an individual into a UWindsor position.
    Managers can approve timecards in UWinsite People, learn how in this article.
    Find information on how to view your pay slip.
    Learn how to Assign Trustee in UWinsite People for a beneficiary under 18 years old
    UWinsite People offers the opportunity for staff to update their Applicant Profile to showcase their skills, experience, certifications, education and more. Follow the steps to update your profile.
    When a timecard is inaccurate, managers should reject the timecard. Follow the steps in the article.
    If an approved timecard needs to be edited. Follow the steps to complete the task.