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    A guest is someone who isn't an employee, student, or member of the University of Windsor; they don't have an active UWin Account.
    Outlook on the web does not give the option to send as attachment
    How to restore a backup of a file from One Drive
    Instructions for accessing shared files and e-mails that are stored inside Office 365 Groups that you are subscribed to.
    The benefit of creating events, such as departmental meetings, on a group calendar is that everyone who's a member of the group can edit these events.
    Content in a public group can be seen by anybody in your organization. Content in a private group can only be seen by the members of the group.
    When you try to create a folder called "Forms" in Office 365 Group, an error message is displayed informing you that "A file of folder with the name Forms already exists."
    In some cases you need to "follow" a group for it to show on the list of groups in OneDrive app on
    Instructions for adding new members to the group and removing existing members for group's administrator.
    If you are a member of an Office 365 Group, and you have received an e-mail message which was not sent to the Group’s e-mail address, but you wish to save it into the Group as an e-mail communication you need to follow the steps outlined in this article.