Titanium Schedule Setup

Titanium runs from a DFS share. Although there is no install for Titanium, there is still a setup process.


Before you can begin, you will need to check to see if the user has already been added to the GS-G-UWFS05-SCC-Titanium group in Active Directory. This can be done in Active Directory Users and Computers. If the user is not a member of this group, then you will need to create a task to the Active Directory Support Team so they can manually add the user to the group:

  • Task Name: Add User to the GS-G-UWFS05-SCC-Titanium Group
  • Task Description: Please make __________ (UWINID) a member of the AD group for Titanium. Thanks!
  • Task Responsibility: Active Directory Support Team


After the user is added to the GS-G-UWFS05-SCC-Titanium group, you can follow the steps below to get Titanium setup on their device:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Locate This PC and right-click on it.
  3. Select the Map network drive.. option from the list. On Windows 11 you have to select Show more options before you can see that option.
  4. For the Drive letter, select T for Titanium.
  5. For the Folder, enter the following: \\uwdfs.uwinad.uwindsor.ca\Shares\SCC\Titanium\
  6. Click the Finish button.

  1. In File Explorer, select the newly mapped T drive.
  2. Next, locate the Ti10 application in this folder.
  3. Right-click on that file, select Send to, and choose the Desktop option from that list. Again, on Windows 11 you have to select Show more options before you can see those options.
  4. Navigate to your desktop, click on the Titanium shortcut and attempt to login.
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Article ID: 146906
Fri 9/30/22 12:19 PM
Tue 4/18/23 3:00 PM