Learn how to add time to your current timecard, or add time to a previous time card. In your browser, go to uwindsor.ca/uwinsite/people.
Complete your single sign-on in UWinsite People using your full UWinID@uwindsor.ca as your username and your UWin Account password. Then:
- Under Me, select Time and Absences.
- To add time for the current pay period, select Current Time Card.
- Navigate to Entries section and select +Add.
- The Entries section will expand and you can now enter the timecard details.
- Select the Position for which you wish to enter time.
- Enter the Time Recording Code.
- Click Select Dates (you can select multiple dates at once if the start time, end time and position is the same for each one).
- Enter the Start Time and End Time.
- Select Add another date, if you need to add more.
- Select OK.
- Review the dates/times/hours you have added. If you need to make a change, select the pencil. If you are ready to submit, select Submit.
- Once you submit the time card, you will return to Time and Absences.
Tip: Your timecard will only be routed to your manager for approval once it has been submitted.
Add Time for a Previous Time Period
- Select Existing Time Cards
- Select the time period you need to enter time for and select +Add.
- The Entries section will expand and you can now enter the timecard details.
- Select the Position for which you wish to enter time.
- Enter the Time Recording Code.
- Click Select Dates, (you can select multiple dates at once if the start time, end time and position is the same for each one).
- Enter the Start Time and End Time.
- Select OK. Review the dates/times/hours you have added. If you need to make a change, select the pencil. If you are ready to submit, select Submit.
- When you select Current Time Card, you can select actions under Entries and select Copy Previous Time Card to create a copy of the last time card. You can also select Copy Other Time Card to copy a time card before the previous one. This can be useful for those who work the same schedule each week.
- You can enter time entries for the most recent 28 days in the system. For time entries older than 28 days, you must contact your manager for assistance.