Information to request and manage absences, vacations, and payroll timecards in UWinsite People.
An employee can enter lieu time to be approved by their manager in UWinsite People per their collective agreement or their employee group. Find the steps in this article.
Managers can approve timecards in UWinsite People, learn how in this article.
Full-time salaried employees will automatically have a time card generated in UWinsite People for each pay period. Exception time is considered anything above a regularly scheduled time for permanent full-time employees. Learn how in this article.
Key UWinsite People Terminology for Absence Entries and the reasons why they can be used.
Managers can delegate a single approval for absence request, learn how in this article.
An employee can delete an absence even after it has been approved by their manager. Find the steps to complete the reversal in this article.
Requests for an unpaid leave of absence which requires approval from a Line Manager and Human Resources. Find the steps included.
UWinsite People has schedules posted for each employee. These schedules can be adjusted and changed by a manager. Find the article to learn how to do it.
Student employees need to submit timecards for work their work hours. Please find the instructions in this article.
Find steps on how to add entries to your hourly employee timecards.
Learn how to edit a submitted time card in UWinsite People.
An employee can edit an absence even after it has been approved by their manager. Learn how in this article.
Managers may be required to edit an employee's payroll timecard, follow the instructions to learn how in UWinsite People.
In certain cases, you may need to update an approved time card. Follow the steps provided in this article.
If an approved timecard needs to be edited. Follow the steps to complete the task.
Learn how to enter a parental leave in UWinsite People.
Find information on how to request a pregnancy leave in UWinsite People.
Learn how to enter your vacation request in UWinsite People
University staff need to enter their absence into UWinsite People. Find the instructions on how to do it.
Manager may need to enter an absence on the employee’s behalf for various reasons. Read the article to learn how to do it.
Find information on requesting an adoption leave in UWinsite People.
In some circumstances, Managers may have to enter and submit time cards for their employees. Follow the instructions in this article to complete the tasks.
When a timecard is inaccurate, managers should reject the timecard. Follow the steps in the article.
Managers can request lieu time payouts for eligible employees. Find the steps in this article to complete the tasks.
Read how to request a paid leave of absence for an exceptional circumstance where an employee’s absence request cannot be accommodated through the standard options available on the dropdown menu. Find the steps outlined.
Managers can view one of their employee’s lieu time by navigating to an employee’s absence balance. Follow the steps outlined in this article.
Managers can view their employees projected vacation balance by following the steps in this article.
Managers can view their employees vacation balance in real-time by following the steps outlined in this article.
Find details on how to view my co-workers the schedules in UWinsite People
Learn How to View Your Projected Vacation Balance.
Managers can follow the steps to view the team schedule for individuals who report to them.
View your vacation balance in UWinsite People by following the steps
Vacation Balance calculator to verify the carryover into UWinsite People.