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    Web version of Outlook called Outlook Web App or OWA, allows you to access your UWin Office 365 account in a browser on any computer or mobile devices that is connected to the Internet without the need to install or configure anything.
    Instructions for managing your Microsoft 365 Apps (formerly Office 365 Pro Plus) license activations.
    Frequently asked questions related to Microsoft 365 Apps suite for students.
    When does the University delete my files?
    OneDrive for Business limits and restrictions
    There are two ways to access your University Office 365 account on your iOS device - either with the native built in Mail, Contacts and Calendars app, or with Microsoft's Outlook app, available from the Apple App Store.
    How to reset your audio conferencing PIN
    Not every mail app on mobile devices supports Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). This article outlines which Android, iOS, and BlackBerry mail and calendar apps work with Microsoft Office 365 and MFA.
    This article explains how to install and configure Sync Client for Microsoft OneDrive.
    All workstations managed by Intune will receive an automated installation of Microsoft 365 Apps (formerly Office 365 Pro Plus). The procedure outlined in this article should only be used on workstations that have not yet been upgraded to Modern Desktop as well as BYOD workstations (eg. home computer) and student computers.
    Troubleshooting steps for problems related to signing into Microsoft 365 portal.
    Links to articles providing specific instructions for various platforms and operating systems.
    An outline of differences between these different types of groups.
    This document provides a list of services with descriptions that are part of the Office 365 suite that is licensed for use by students, faculty and staff at UWindsor.
    Use of Microsoft Office 365 and your UWin Account are governed by various agreements. This article hits the highlights.