How do I set up direct deposit?

To enroll, suppliers can download and complete the EFT form, found at here. Please send the completed form, together with a void cheque, or a form of confirmation from your bank to

Alternatively, the form and void cheque can be mailed into the address below: 

University of Windsor 
Finance Department: Procurement 
401 Sunset Ave 
Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4 

If you choose to mail in your response, please notify us by email so we can begin a record of your submission. 

Please contact the Procurement Department at 519-253-3000 ext. 2081 or with any related questions or concerns. 

Please note that EFT payment method is currently only available for Canadian suppliers being paid in Canadian dollars. Foreign supplier payments will continue to be paid by either cheque or wire. 

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Thu 1/11/18 4:02 PM
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