How to review project performance

1. From the home screen select Project Financial Management module
2. Select the Project you want to drill into by selecting the Project Name
3. This will open the Project Overview page, click the Task Menu (the book icon on the right-hand side)
4. Under Analyze, select Review Project Performance
5. Under Task Structure, click View
6. Select Manage Columns
7. Suggested Visible Columns include but are not limited to:
•Task Number
•EAC Budget Cost
•ITD Actual Cost
•ITD Committed Cost
•PTD Actual Cost
•PTD Committed Cost
8.Click Ok
9.Select the period you would like to view by using the Display Period drop-down menu.

Reviewing the Project Performance allows you to choose the period you would like to view. It will display the total spent vs. budget by task level for
the time period selected.

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