Connect to MATLAB Virtual Lab with Web Browser

The MATLAB Virtual Lab can be accessed using a web browser. It can be accessed through this link :

You may be prompted for your uwinid and password.  Once logged in you will get a list of available resources. There are several different systems available so you may see more than one icon.  Open up the lab that you need to access by clicking on the appropriate icon.

After clicking on the icon, the system will prompt you to allow access to your clipboard and local printer. Click Allow to continue.

Next the system will prompt you to login to the PC. Enter your UWinID (without and password

After submitting this form, the system will log in and present the MATLAB Virtual Lab desktop for you to use.

The system will now operate as a regular Windows Desktop.

When you are done, log out by clicking your name in the top right and selecting sign-out. If you disconnect by closing the browser window, your session will be logged off in 10 minutes.  


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