Auto-Updating the GlobalProtect VPN client on Windows

Tags vpn

The GlobalProtect VPN client is capable of auto-updating itself when a new version of the client has been published to the VPN server.  This document provides a review of the process.

The VPN client update process begins when a system administrator publishes an updated version of the VPN client to the VPN server.  Each time the VPN client connects, it checks to see if its version matches that of the client published on the server.  If the server contains a newer version, the VPN client will prompt the user asking if they would like to auto-update their installed VPN client. 

If the user agrees, the VPN client will download the new version in the background.  When the download is complete, the VPN client will ask the user if it can proceed to upgrade.  During the upgrade, the VPN will be disconnected and the old VPN client uninstalled.  The new client version is then installed, ready for use.

The new VPN client version should remember the settings from the previous client.  Once the install is complete, the user can connect to the VPN as usual.

  1. Connect to the VPN as normal.  If an update is available, you will receive a notice.  (Note that the version number may be different from the image.)


  1. The download proceeds in the background.  You can continue to use the VPN in the meantime.  When the download is complete, you will be informed that the install is ready.


  1. The install will proceed by disconnecting from the VPN, removing the old VPN client, and then installing the new version. Click Next or OK to proceed through the dialogs.
  2. You may receive a warning message during the upgrade. The installer will report that "The following applications are using files which the installer must update."
    In this case, you can try two things:
    • Disconnect from the VPN manually and choose Try Again
    • Choose Continue and reboot your PC after the install is complete.


  1. After installation, GlobalProtect typically launches automatically.  If it doesn’t, you can tell the install is complete because the GlobalProtect icon reappears in the System tray.  Click this icon to bring up the new GlobalProtect app. If the Welcome message is displayed, click "Get Started".

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  1. You may be asked for the portal address.  Provide the following details and press Connect.

Portal address:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 

  1. When GlobalProtect has successfully connected to the VPN, the icon changes to show a checkmark, and clicking on the icon shows the status.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



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Article ID: 120596
Tue 11/17/20 4:21 PM
Mon 5/6/24 3:34 PM

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