Installing GlobalProtect VPN client on Linux

Accessing certain resources on the University's network requires that you use a secure VPN connection. To establish a VPN connection, you will use the GlobalProtect app that is available for currently supported Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

If you use a Linux machine, you can use the GlobalProtect for Linux package that is provided by our vendor Palo Alto Networks.

Downloading and Installing GlobalProtect app for Linux

  1. Download the tar gzip of Linux files. This package contains Debian, RPM, and shell installer files. Extract the tarball to see all the files.
  2. Find the appropriate files for your Linux OS and package manager. For instance, GlobalProtect_rpm if you're using Fedora, GlobalProtect-deb if you're using Ubuntu. If you want a graphical interface for GlobalProtect, also find the matching GlobalProtect_UI file.
  3. Use your package manager to install the app packages.
    The GlobalProtect app for Linux installs to /opt/paloaltonetworks/globalprotect

Connecting the GlobalProtect app for Linux

When connecting GlobalProtect for the first time, you will need to provide the following information:


Username: <your>
Password: <your password>

Additional Information

Please check the Palo Alto Networks instructions to Download and Install the GlobalProtect App for Linux.


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I.T. Services has deployed and maintains a number of firewalls, which are network systems that are designed to block unauthorized access while permitting legitimate network traffic. Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology provides secure remote access and secure data transmission between devices that are not connected to the University wired or wireless campus networks and University systems. The the Palo Alto GlobalProtect software that you can install on your device makes it seem as if it is on the campus network by setting up a tunnel which encrypts all traffic between your computer and the University firewall.

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