Comparison: Qualtrics vs. Microsoft Forms


  • Microsoft Forms is recommended for simple surveys and self-graded quizzes. Used in conjunction with Microsoft Power Automate, it can be used to automate things such as approval process with multiple steps and approvers or custom notifications based on response criteria. 
  • Qualtrics is recommended for data collection and research projects. It is a powerful survey platform with a wide variety of question types, email triggers, distribution options and collaboration settings.

Feature Comparison Overview

Feature Microsoft Forms Qualtrics
Question type: Multiple choice Yes Yes
Question type: File upload Yes Yes
Display logic & branching Yes Yes
Allows for anonymous responses Yes Yes
Built-in distribution via email Yes Yes
Built-in distribution via SMS No Yes
Ability to track which individuals have responded No Yes
Automated email reminders Partial Yes
Other configurable email triggers No Yes
Download raw response data Yes Yes
Automated accessibility/usability review No Yes

Detailed Feature Comparison


Question Types

Multiple Choice Yes Yes
Text Entry Yes Yes
Rank Order Yes Yes
Matrix Table No Yes
Slider Yes Yes
Side by Side No Yes
Constant Sum No Yes
Hot Spot No Yes
Graphic Slider No Yes
Drill Down No Yes
Pick Group and Rank No Yes
Heat Map No Yes
Net Promoter Score Yes Yes
Highlight No Yes
Signature No Yes
Timing No Yes
File Upload Yes Yes
Screen Capture No Yes
Captcha Verification No Yes
Likert Yes Yes
Branching Yes Yes
Meta Info No Yes

Survey Distribution

Distribution Option Microsoft Forms Qualtrics
Via email Yes, using your email client Yes, through Qualtrics directly
Via link Yes Yes
Via social media No Yes
Via SMS No Yes
Via QR code Yes Yes
Allows anonymous submissions Yes Yes
Ability to track individual recipients No Yes
Set start and end dates for response collection Yes Yes

Collaboration Options

Collaborative Option Microsoft Forms Qualtrics
Allows multiple collaborators Yes Yes
Allows UWindsor collaborators Yes Yes
Allows non-UWindsor collaborators Yes Yes
Configure which survey data individual collaborators have access to No Yes
Configure whether an individual collaborator can activate/deactivate a survey No Yes
Configure whether an individual collaborator can copy a survey project No Yes
Configure whether an individual collaborator can distribute a survey No  Yes

Reporting Options

Reporting Option Microsoft Forms Qualtrics
Customizable visualizations of results data No, default visualization is not customizable Yes
Ability to format your reports No, default report is not customizable Yes
Shareable reports via link Yes Yes
Download raw survey data Yes Yes
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