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Users accessing Microsoft SSO applications on a registered macOS device may encounter a Microsoft Workplace Join Key error due to misconfigured keychain access settings. This issue can be resolved by ensuring the key is trusted and adjusting the ACL to permit Google Chrome.
Summary of Microsoft Surface Educational discount and preferred business line models / warranty.
A comparison of features and functionality between Microsoft Forms (recommended for simple surveys and self-graded quizzes) and Qualtrics (recommended for data collection and research projects).
This document provides a list of services with descriptions that are part of the Office 365 suite that is licensed for use by students, faculty and staff at UWindsor.
Use of Microsoft Office 365 and your UWin Account are governed by various agreements. This article hits the highlights.
Step-by-step procedure to enable Microsoft Azure SSO for Firefox, so you don't need to enter your user name and password to access Microsoft apps.