After mapping the DFS share that is needed to run Titanium Schedule, users may report a Database Connectivity Error when opening the application for the first time.

In order to establish a connection, the Firewall and Network Security Team may need to get involved to check if access to the database is being blocked. Before escalating the issue to them, make sure that you've done the following:
- If using Wi-Fi, confirm that the user is connected to uwinsecure.
- Confirm that the GlobalProtect VPN is connected to In some cases, you may need to refresh the connection or uninstall/reinstall the app.
- You've gathered the following information for the Firewall and Network Security Team:
- The UWinID of the Titanium user.
- The device's external/gateway IP address [137.207.XXX.XXX].
- The date/time that the Titanium app was last opened.
If the user is still receiving that error, then create a ticket [if one doesn't already exist] and reassign it to them in TeamDynamix. Make sure to update the ticket to include the information you gathered from the user/device.