Enrolling Your Windows Workstation in Device Management

If your work computer has not yet been enrolled in device administration, you will need to follow these steps in order maintain your access to University systems and data no later than Oct 1, 2023.

  1. Sign into Windows as you normally do and open Windows Settings.
  2. Click on Accounts, then select Access work or school.
  3. Click on Connect but do not enter your e-mail address when prompted.
  4. Click on Join this device to Azure Active Directory on the bottom of the Microsoft Account window.
  5. When prompted, enter your e-mail address in this format: uwinid@uwindsor.ca
  6. Enter your UWin Account password when prompted, and complete your MFA challenge, if applicable.
  7. When Make sure this is your organization message appears, click on Join
  8. The process will take a few minutes, and you should see You're all set! message when completed. Click Done to wrap it up.
  9. Reboot your computer and sign into Windows using the same login/password as you did before.

Once we see your device being enrolled in Intune device administration, we will contact you to assist with migrating your Windows profile. After that, you will be signing into Windows with your UWin Account rather your local account. This will provide additional security, and enable Single-sign On (SSO) feature.

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