Change Brightspace Course Banner

The image that appears across your course homepage just below the blue Nav Bar (the course banner) can be easily changed to reflect the subject matter of your course.

  1. On your course homepage, hover over the right of the banner image until you see three dots appear. Click on those dots.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select Change Image
    arrow 1 pointing to the 3 dots in the banner area
arrow 2 pointing to change image option in the dropdown menu
  3. From the Change Image dialogue box, use the Search bar to find an image relevant to your course by typing in a key word and pressing Enter on your keyboard.  (If you prefer, you can upload an image from your computer by clicking the Upload link in the top right.)
  4. Select an image by hovering over it and clicking on the Use this image box that appears. The image will be placed in your banner.
    arrow 3 pointing to a search term in the search box
arrow 4 pointing to use this image button

Note: If you choose to upload your own image to use, the recommended size is 2400 x 960 pixels




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