Although Microsoft now has a mobile Office app for iOS and Android devices, they did not make it available for BlackBerry 10 OS. On your BlackBerry 10, you will need to add a new account to your BlackBerry Hub in order to access your University Office 365 account which allow you to synchronise your e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks.
Next, follow these steps to configure your BlackBerry 10 to access your University Office 365 account.
1. Go to "Settings" (swipe downwards from the top frame and tap on "Settings", or go to home screen and open "Settings")

2. Tap on "Accounts. (Set up email, contacts, calendar)"

3. Tap on "Add Account" button on the bottom of the screen.

4. Tap the "Advanced" button on the bottom of the screen.

5. Tap on "Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync".
6. Provide a name for this account inside "Description" field, example: UWIN O365
7. Leave "Domain" field blank.
8. Enter your primary e-mail address into the "Username" field, example:
NOTE: This must not be your vanity e-mail address (i.e.
9. Enter your primary (or vanity, if you nave one) e-mail address into the "Email Address" field. Example:
- primary e-mail address:
- vanity e-mail address:
10. Enter your UWin ID password into the "Password" field.

11. Enter the following under Server Address:
12. Leave default selections in the next eight fields:
"Port:" 443
"Use SSL:" On
"Use VPN:" Off
"Download Messages While Roaming:" On (or Off depending on your preference)
"Push:" On
"Sync Interval": 15 Minutes
"Sync Timeframe:" 30 days (or you may want to change this based on your preference)
"Calendar Sync Timeframe: 3 Months (or you may want to change this based on your preference)
13. Tap on "Next" button at the top of the screen. BlackBerry will now verify all the values that you have entered. If they were all entered correctly, you will get to the next screen. Otherwise, and error message will appear and you will need to go back to review and correct your settings.
14. Leave all five components with the "On" setting. Tap on "Done" button at the top of the screen.
15. You will now be asked to create a password to protect data on your device (if you did not have one yet) or to enter your existing password. Type your password into "Password Required" dialogue box.
NOTE: In order to maintain compliance with the University of Windsor’s electronic device security policy, your mobile device must be password protected. If your device does not have a password, you will be prompted to create one during the set-up of your University mail account. For more information on the electronic device security policy, go to

16. Close Settings, and go to the BlackBerry Hub. You will now see "UWIN O365" (or whichever description you picked in step 7) on the list of accounts integrated into your Hub. Your data will now be gradually downloaded to your device.