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    In the summer of 2018, University adopted Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Intune as a new platform for the management of computers and mobile devices. This article provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to register your personal (non-University owned) Windows 10/11 PC with University of Windsor Azure Active Directory and enroll it in Intune device management.
    Microsoft Windows Update is a Microsoft service for the Windows operating system, which automates downloading and installing Microsoft Windows software updates over the Internet. This article discusses two different types of Windows updates and provides a listing of the most recent updates required for device compliance.
    If you see a message "Your company hasn't made any apps available to you on this device" or "You don't have any apps yet" it means that your computer does not meet minimum requirements as defined in the device compliance policy (i.e. your device is not compliant).
    All University computers should be upgraded to Modern Desktop experience (Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Apps). If you are unsure if your computer has been upgraded, please follow the steps outlined in this article.