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    There are several different ways that users can access a shared mailbox.
    This article provides a workaround to the limit of accounts that can be added to Outlook. By default, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 allow up to 10 Exchange accounts to be configured in a single mail profile. If you for some reason need to add more than 10 Exchange accounts to your mail profile, you can extend this limit to via a Windows Registry tweak.
    Instructions on adding shared mailboxes to Outlook for Mac.
    How to add shared mailboxes to the Outlook mobile app
    If you no longer need access to a shared maibox, you need to notify IT Service Desk and follow these instructions to remove an account in your Outlook 2013.
    Instructions to make the calendar permissions button in Outlook for Mac 2016 visible
    Follow these steps to enable automatic replies (a.k.a. Out-of-Office feature) inside a shared mailbox using Outlook Web App (OWA).