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Services or Offerings?
An on-line phone directory called Find A Person is available at You can search for faculty and staff by name, department name, e-mail address, telephone extension, or by expertise.

A UWin Friend Account is a guest account that allows someone who is not entitled to a UWin Account to access some of the University of Windsor online systems that require authentication. It does not, however, automatically authorise that person to use any services.

Nuance is an Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) system used by the University's telephone system.

Media Valet is the digital asset management platform for video and photography assets for the University of Windsor to be accessed by designated campus members and other key stakeholders for use in both print and digital communications. The platform is managed by the Office of Enrolment Management.

CRYSTAL3 server is not integrated with UWin Account

Identity Management & Enterprise Directory Services (eDS) aims at enabling the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons. Central LDAP Directory aggregates user data extracted from so called "authoritative sources", such as HR system (VIP), UWinsite Student, and Campus Phone Directory.

Qualtrics is a comprehensive on-line survey creation service. These tools replaced Fluid Surveys and Lotus Notes based survey services provided by Web Services Group in the past.

Faculty, staff and students who would like to use software that is not covered by any of the campus-wide licensing agreements can submit a request to purchase a license or renew/transfer existing license.