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Services or Offerings?
Microsoft Stream is the video storage and streaming service, similar to YouTube, that is part of University's Office 365 subscription.

uView is a legacy system for uploading and sharing videos related to the University, teaching and learning, and research. It is being replaced by Microsoft Stream And Yuja. Starting in Spring 2022, you will no longer be able to upload videos into uView. Later in 2022, the uView system will be shut down.

YuJa is a robust video enterprise platform that the University of Windsor has licensed for all campus users as of May 2021.

Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-basedmessaging solution that delivers e-mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks from PCs, the web, and mobile devices. This service is hosted on Microsoft Exchange Online servers that are housed in Microsoft datacenters in Toronto and Quebec City (Microsoft Cloud) and are accessible to users on a wide range of devices from inside University's campus wired and wireless networks and over the Internet.