What is the proper procedure for disposing computers, monitors, printers and cell phones (eWaste)?

Disposal of Computer Equipment

All computer equipment, such as monitors, printers, computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards and mice can be donated to a local charity Computers for Kids. All hard drives must be wiped of any data/applications prior to donation. If you would like to have I.T. Services perform this task please submit a service request ticket under Hardware Support in Services section of this portal. 

Equipment not claimed by Disposal Bids that is donated to a local charity must be reported to Purchasing department. You will need to provide an itemized list that includes serial numbers for inventory purposes see this link for proper documentation to be received by Purchasing Services


Donations are made at various times through out the year; if you wish ITS to donate the equipment for you; you must arrange to have deliveries of your equipment to ITS through repair@uwindsor.ca There is a charge to have computer equipment moved across campus. 

Disposal of Cell Phones

Cell phones are donated to CNIB Foundation (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) for their Phone it Forward Program.  This program gives smartphones to people with sight loss.  We ask that you bring the adapters, batteries and phones to the IT Service Desk between 8:30am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.  ITS will ensure they are wiped and restored back to Factory Settings; prior to being given to our local C.N.I.B.  


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