You can share the link to your virtual office hours or virtual class time in a number of places in your Brightspace course site. One place is in your course Navbar. To add a Teams meeting link to your course Navbar in Brightspace by first:
- Retrieving the meeting link in Teams,
- Then adding the meeting link to the Brightspace navbar
1.Retrieve the meeting link in Teams
(If using a different platform than Teams for meeting, you will need to copy the meeting link from that platform)
- In Teams, click on the Calendar icon in the left menu rail, then find and double click on the meeting you’ve created (see How to Schedule a Teams Meeting) to view the meeting details.

- Scroll down to see the Click here to join the meeting link. Right mouse-click on it and select Copy Link (desktop version) or Copy Link Address (or something similar in browser, depending on the browser).

2. Add the meeting link to the Brightspace navbar
- Log into and go to your course. Click the three dots (…) on the far right in the navbar then click on Customize This Navbar (or Edit This Navbar if you already created a copy). In the pop-up window asking if you want to create a copy and edit that instead, select Yes.
- Click Add Links.

- Click Create Custom Link.

- Enter a name for the link.
- Paste the link you saved in step 1.3) above. If you have another meeting link such as Zoom meeting link, you can paste that instead.
- Click Create.

- With the newly created link selected, click Add.

- Click Save and Close (notice the custom link is added to the Links list).
- The custom link is now visible in the navbar for this course for students to see.

The link in the Navbar is meeting-specific and must be updated if new meeting links are required. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Navbar to host recurrent meeting links, and use the Contents tool to share links for non-recurring meetings.
If you need to change the URL of the link you have placed in the Navbar, navigate to the Navbar editor as described in Step 1. Under Links, click the name of the existing link to open the custom link editor. Delete the existing URL and paste in the new one. Click Save.