Bulk Download and Bulk Upload Submissions for Grading Offline

NOTE: Brightspace allows instructors to download student submissions and annotate them offline. When uploaded, the annotated file will be attached as instructor feedback. However, Bulk Upload does not support the upload of grades, which can only be added through the online editor.

Step 1: Download Student Submissions

  1. Click Assignments in the blue navigation bar.
    arrow 1 points to assignment on the navbar
  2. Navigate to the assignment. Click the drop-down arrow beside the assignment’s name and select View Submissions.
    arrow 2 points to
  3. To select all students’ submissions, make sure all students appear on the page then click the box to the left of Last Name, First Name.
  4. Click Download at the top of the student list.
    download submission in brightspace
  5. A pop-up will appear. Click Download. You will receive the message that the files are ready to download. 
    arrow 5 points to the Download button after the files are ready to download.

Step 2: Create Feedback

  1. Unzip the downloaded submission files. Make sure not to modify the existing folder, file structure, and file names.
  2. In each file, make any comments or annotations, as necessary.
  3. When all files are annotated, zip the folder for the next step.

Step 3: Upload Student Feedback

  1. Navigate to View Submissions page by following #1 and #2 above.
  2. On the page, click Add Feedback Files
    arrow pointing at add feedback files in brightspace submission area
  3. Upload the compressed feedback files created by #8 above.
  4. Select Add
    Upload button 
add to finish

Student View

Students will be able to view their feedback under Attached Files when they click into their Evaluation Status of their assignment on the Assignments page.​​​​​​​ 
the annotated student submission is located under the ​​​​​​​