Start by logging into YuJa at If you haven’t used YuJa before this will initiate your account. You can use YuJa to create videos but if you already have one to upload, skip to Add a video to YuJa:
- Create a video with YuJa
- Add a video to YuJa
- Add Link to video through Brightspace Editor
- Add link to Content
- Copy the video's link
Create a Video with YuJa:
- Go to, to sign in to Yuja using your UWindsor email.
- Click Create Recording at the top of the screen.

- Select your preferred way to record video. In this example, we select Record with Browser Capture Studio (it may show as Record Capture on your browser). A new browser window will open. If you select Record from your Windows PC or Mac (it may show as Software Capture for PC or Mac), you will need to click the Download link and follow the instructions the first time. A new browser window will not open.

- Click the Start button to start the video editor.

- You may be asked to allow YuJa to use your cameras and microphone. Select one of the options to allow these.
- Make sure the recording options, audio, and video are selected based on what you need. Then click the Start Recording button at the bottom corner of the screen.

- You can pause and resume recording at any time. When your recording is done, click the red End Recording button to stop recording.

- When the video is successfully uploaded, an Upload Finished message will display at the bottom of the screen.

Add a video to YuJa
For step-by-step instructions for uploading or saving a video from elsewhere (for example, Teams) to YuJa, visit YuJa’s help pages for uploading media content.
Add link to your YuJa video into Brightspace Editor
Anywhere you see the Brightspace editor, (Discussions, Assignments, Content, etc.) you can place a link to your YuJa video into Brightspace using the embedded tools in Brightspace.
- Click the Quick Links link in the Brightspace editor.
- Select YuJa Quicklink from the drop-down menu.
- Select the video from the Media Chooser
- Click Insert Content.
- Click Post in Discussions or Submit in Assignments.

Add link to Content
Instructors can add a link directly into a module in the Content area.
- Start by finding and opening the module to which you want to add the link.
- Click Existing Activities and select YuJa Quicklink from the drop-down menu.

- In the pop-up, you will see all your YuJa videos. Find the one you want, select it, and click Insert Content. A link is added to your module directly to the YuJa video.
Access the video's link
- If you don't want to use the embedded YuJa tools in Brightspace, you can copy and paste the video link manually. Log into YuJa at or, if already in YuJa, return to the tab where My Media is displayed.

- Hover over the video that you want to upload to Brightspace (or tab to it and hit Enter) and click More.

- Click the Links option on the left sidebar below the video, then click the Copy Direct Link icon. The video link is copied to your clipboard.