How To Grade Discussions in Brightspace

Be sure you have set up your Discussion topic for grading. To grade students' posts, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your course Discussions.
  2. Click the down arrow beside the topic to grade.

Arrow 1 pointing to the discussions tab in the nav bar in Brightspace course.Arrow 2 points to the down arrow next to the topic name in the discussions page.

  1. Select the Assess Topic option. (This will only show if the topic thread is linked to the grade book).

Arrow 3 pointing to the Assess Topic option after clicking on the drop-down menu of the topic.

  1. Navigate to the student you want to evaluate and click Topic Score.

Arrow 4 is pointing to the Topic Score option for a specific student.

  1. If a rubric is attached to this discussion, click the arrow on the rubric and mark accordingly.
  2. If there is no rubric, the points can be placed manually into the topic Score box.
  3. Use the Overall Feedback text box for adding overall feedback.

Arrow 5 is pointing to the expand option in the rubric to evaluate the student.Arrow 6 is pointed to where a instructor can manually input the grade for a students discussion. Arrow 7 is pointed to the text editor that exists within the page to give students positive feedback.

  1. Once finished grading, click Save Draft. This will save your work but will not release your grades to the student, allowing you to publish grades to all students at once. If you want to release grades to each student as you grade them, select Publish.
  2. Click the right arrow on the top right of the page to bring you to the next student to grade.

Arrow 8 is pointing to the Save Draft option, Arrow 9 is pointing to the right arrow of the evaluation page to move on to the next student.

  1. When you are ready to publish, go back to the assess topic page (as shown in step 3 above), select the check box in the column heading so that all students’ check boxes are selected and select Publish. (Note: if you have more students than appear on the first page, you will need to go to the next page, select all the check boxes and Publish until all the students’ names have been selected.)

Arrow 10 points to two areas: the selected student and the Publish option.