How To Know If Students Are Seeing Their Grades

Grades can be visible in the assessment tool (Assignments, Quizzes, or Discussions) and/or in the Grades tool. Instructors can ensure that students can or cannot see grades in the assessment tool and/or the Grades tool.
NOTE: The assessment tools' visibility settings are NOT synchronized with the visibility settings in the Grades tool; instructors must check both places. If you want to hide a grade completely from students, you need to hide it in both tools.

In the Grades tool:

  1. Navigate to your course Gradebook by clicking on Grades in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Manage Grades.
  3. If the crossed-out eye is displayed next to the grade item, then the grade item and grade is hidden from students in the Grades tool. (This does not affect whether it is visible or not in the Assignments, Quizzes or Discussions tool.)

Note: If there is not a crossed-out eye, students are able to see their grades for that grade item in the Grades tool, regardless of whether it is hidden in the assessment tool.
A screenshot of the manage grades in brightspace : 
Arrow 1 points to grades in navagation bar
Arrow 2 points to Manage grades
Arrow 3 points to crossed-out eye symbol to show it is hidden

  1. To check the student view of the Grades tool, click Enter Grades.
  2. Click the down arrow next to any student’s name and click Preview.
    A screenshot showing the enter grades:
Arrow 6: Pointing to enter grades in the gradebook
Arrow 7: Pointing to the Preview button after clicking the down arrow next to a students name
  3. The Preview screen will show what the student will see when they access their grades.A screenshot of the preview screen after previewing a students grades and showing the instructor how the students are seeing their grades

In the Assessment tool:

  1. Navigate to the assessment item in the assessment tool (Assignments, Quizzes or Discussions).
  2. If the crossed-out eye is displayed next to the item, then the grade, along with the entire assignment, is hidden from students in this tool. (This does not affect whether it is visible or not in the Grades tool.)

Note: If there is not a crossed-out eye, students are able to see their grades for that assessment in this tool, regardless of whether it is hidden in the Grades tool. A screenshot of assignments in Brightspace:
Arrow 4 points to Assignments in Navigation bar
Arrow 5 points to assignment item to confirm visibility (crossed-out eye symbol) is the same as the grade item in grade book.

  1. To check the student view of the Assignments or other assessment tool, click your name at the top right of the screen and select View as Learner. Then navigate to the assessment tool to see what students would see in that tool.
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