UWinsite Finance FAQ: Data Governance


How far back will users be able to access financial data?

The data in UWinsite Finance will go back to April 30, 2016 for the Operating and Trust accounts. The data for research grants and capital projects will be from the inception of the project to January 31, 2018. Campus members will have read-only access to at least seven years of data in FIS (JD Edwards) if more detail is required, or more historical data is needed.


How long will records (i.e. copies of quotes, email trails attached to POs, etc) be kept in UWinsite Finance?

At least seven years.


Is there a ceiling on the volume of information and data allowed within the system?

There is no limit to the amount of transactions that can be conducted in the system, including scanned attachments.


What is going to happen to FIS (JD Edwards)?

FIS is going to be supported by ITS and available on a read-only basis indefinitely.   


What kind of HR data will be in the Finance system, and therefore be stored in the cloud?

The data that is being brought into UWinsite Finance from the HR system is the organizational structure of the University, position numbers, employee names, and payroll batch information (i.e.: the amount a position number was paid in one pay run).  Encrypted bank account information for employees who have previously signed an EFT information form with the AP office will be imported into the system.  Note that UWinsite Finance is hosted on a Canadian server. No other personal identifiable information such as SINs, birthdates, addresses, etc will be brought into UWinsite Finance.   

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UWinsite Finance is the University of Windsor’s financial information system. Do not open a ticket here if the issue is regarding student financials. Tickets for this should be submitted under UWinsite Student.

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