Known issue: "No license exists for IBM SPSS Statistics or the license is expired."


After launching IBM SPS Statistics, an error message come up on the screen: "No license exists for IBM SPSS Statistics or the license is expired. The license file might be missing or no..."

If you opted for the free concurrent user license, your SPSS installation will need to authorise the license by connecting to the licensing server on every use of SPSS. If your computer is not connected to the University wired or wireless network, you need the GlobalProtect app which provides a secure virtual private network (VPN) connection. GlobalProtect will need to be run to establish VPN connection each time SPSS is used. If you need to install GlobalProtect on your computer, click the appropriate link below. You will need to sign in with your UWin Account to access these resources.

NOTE: If you are prompted to activate IBM SPSS Statistics, click on Launch License Wizard and enter when prompted for the License manager server name or IP address. You must be on the VPN conneciton for the license activation to work.

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Article ID: 140458
Thu 1/6/22 9:59 AM
Sat 7/29/23 1:17 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Faculty, staff and students who would like to use software that is not covered by any of the campus-wide licensing agreements can submit a request to purchase a license or renew/transfer existing license.