Troubleshooting Adobe Acrobat Issues

This article outlines common issues with Adobe Acrobat Pro and provides instructions troubleshooting and for correcting them.

Acrobat Not Listed in Company Portal

Users of managed Windows computers can use pre-installed app called Company Portal to install other apps. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro, as well as version 2020, is included on the list of available apps to be installed as long as you have procured a license for one of these two versions. Note that you should one have one of these two versions installed on your computer.

If you have purchased the 2020 version license in the past and can no longer see it on the list of apps in Company Portal, check if you can see the latest version called Adobe Acrobat Pro. If so, you need to install this one. If not, submit a ticket to secure the license for the latest version which is now free of charge.

If you have procured the licenses for the latest version in the past, yet you cannot see it on the list of apps in Company Portal, check which version of Windows is installed on your computer. The minimum required is Windows 10 21H2. If your Windows 10 version is 21H1 or older, you must update it to version 21H2 or Windows 11, if your hardware meets the requirements.

Acrobat Pro 2020 No Longer Installed

Adobe Acrobat 2020 will be supported until Adobe drops their support for it in 2025. Users who have purchase a license for it in the past can continue to use it without having to switch to the new version. On some managed computers, Adobe Acrobat 2020 was inadvertently uninstalled and replaced by the latest version even though the user did not purchase the license for it. This happened due to misconfigured supersedence rules for this application in when the new version was first added to the Endpoint Manager. These rules are now configured correctly but there may be some computers out there that still have an incorrect version of the Acrobat installed. To address this, the new version has to be uninstalled and the original version 2020 will be installed automatically:

  1. Verify that the user is included in zO365 - Apps - Adobe Acrobat 2020 - Users group in Azure portal which confirms that they have license for Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020
  2. Verify that the computer which has this issue is included in zO365 - Apps - Adobe Acrobat 2020 - Devices Install group in Azure portal and is not included in any other zO365 - Apps - Adobe Acrobat {version} groups.
  3. Go to Windows Settings
  4. Click on Apps to see the list of installed apps
  5. Look for Adobe Acrobat and check which version is installed 
  6. Click Uninstall if version is other than 2020
  7. If you see Adobe AIR, Flash Player, or Acrobat Reader, uninstall those as well.
  8. Reboot the computer.
  9. Allow Intune to install back Adobe Acrobat 2020 (may take up to one hour) or relaunch Company Portal and install it from the (works only on primary-user workstations while signed into Windows as the licensed user).
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