How to Change an Individual's Grade in a Group Assignment

If you have properly created and graded group assignments in the Assignments tool, the grade and feedback you assign to one member of the group in Assignments will automatically be assigned to all the members of the group.
Follow these steps if you want to change the grade of a student in a group so that it will be different than the rest of the group members.

  1. Click Grades in the navbar.
    arrow 1 points to grades tool in the nav bar
  2. When on the Enter Grades tab, click Switch to Spreadsheet View to see text input fields in the grades. (If you see Switch to Standard View instead of Switch to Spreadsheet View, you are already in Spreadsheet View.) Allow the page to refresh.
  3. To view members of one group at a time, use the View By selector to select Groups and click Apply. Then select a group to view and click Apply again.
    arrow 2 points to switch to spreadsheet view button
arrow 3 points to the view by filter drop-downs
  4. In the table, locate the assignment’s grade column and then enter the individual’s adjusted grade.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.
    arrow 4 points to the student's grade input field
arrow 5 points to the save button
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