Articles on Brightspace learning management system.

Articles (23)

Pinned Article How to Log into Brightspace

Users can access Brightspace using their UWin Account credentials

Access the Rubrics Tool in Brightspace

The Brightspace Rubrics tool is usually not found in the course Navbar. This article shows the steps to find Brightspace Rubrics tool in your course site.

Brightspace Roles and the Permissions Associated with Each Role

If you are adding a TA, GA, departmental support, guest, co-facilitator, or any other non-student user to a Brightspace course site, the role you assign the user will depend on what you would like them to do in the course site. This article lists the roles and the various permissions associated with each role.

Change Brightspace Course Banner

The image that appears across your course homepage just below the blue Nav Bar (the course banner) can be easily changed to reflect the subject matter of your course through a few steps.

Different Ways to Add Bonus Credit to Assessments or the Final Grade in Brightspace

Adding bonus points to course grades in Brightspace can be done in three different ways. This article will describe each method.

Edit Course Navbar in Brightspace

The blue navigation bar (Navbar) that appears across the top of your course site can be customized to include only the tools that you will be using in your course by following a few steps.

How to Add a Guest to a Brightspace Course

On occasion, an individual from outside of UWindsor needs to access a course. Individuals can review the situations were access to a Brightspace course may be needed and take appropriate action.

How to Change an Individual's Grade in a Group Assignment

If you have properly created and grades group assignments in the Assignments tool, the grade and feedback you assign to one member of the group in Assignments will automatically be assigned to all the members of the group.
Follow these steps if you want to change the grade of a student in a group so that it will be different than the rest of the group members.

How to Create a Video Assignment on Brightspace

Video assignments are not popular at the University of Windsor because of the Brightspace storage size limitations by which we are restricted, but if it is a tool that meets your unique pedagogical need, follow the steps in article to use Video Assignments.

How to Create Groups

Use the Groups tool to arrange your students into groups for assignments, discussions, and activities, or to group your students by section when two course sections are merged into one by following the steps in this article.

How to Delete a Gradebook Item/Column that is Associated with a Brightspace Assessment

Items, or columns, in the Grades tool spreadsheet (the Gradebook) can be deleted if there is no Brightspace assessment associated with that item. To delete an item that is associated with an Assignment, Discussion, or Quiz, remove the association then delete the item, using the steps in this article.

How to Export Course Content for Importing into an LMS in the Future

You can export and save most of the contents of your course site excluding student material by following the steps in this article.

How to Find Your Course in Brightspace for Students

Brightspace course are visible to registered students once the instructor has activated the course site.

How to Grade an Assignment Using a Rubric

If you have created and attached a rubric to an assignment, follow these steps to use it to grade the assignment.

How to Import a Scantron Report to Brightspace

Files of Scantron test results can be imported into a Brightspace course site gradebook following the steps in this article.

How to Make Changes to a Course Homepage in Brightspace

Instructors can customize their course homepage but changing which widgets appear on the homepage and in what order. This article will show them how.

How to Set a Student Accommodation to be Applied to All Quizzes

Instead of setting up a special access (accommodation) for a student every time you create a quiz, you can create an accommodation for the student that will be applied to every quiz.

How to Set Accommodation for Students in a Quiz or Assignment

If a student requires a different length of time or a different date to complete a quiz or assignment than the rest of the class, special access, or an accommodation, can be set for one or more students following these steps.

How to Set Up a Quiz to Auto Submit

Quizzes in Brightspace can be created so that the quiz automatically is submitted when the time limit is reached following the steps in this article.

How to View Brightspace as a Student

This article provides the steps to view your course from a student point of view.

Transferring Grades from Brightspace to UWinsite Student using Gradeflow

The Gradeflow application, developed specifically for the University of Windsor, can be used to transfer the final grades from a Brightspace course site to UWinsite Student. UWinsite Student is the application where the official student grades are maintained.