IMPORTANT: Prior to importing your Scantron results into your Brightspace Gradebook, open the Scantron file and look at the title row of the spreadsheet. If the word "Scantron" appears in the row, replace it with either: a) the name of the column you have already created for this assessment in your Gradebook, or b) if you have not already created a column in your Gradebook, the name you want for the column. Save the changes and the file is ready to import.
- In your Brightspace course select Grades in the Nav bar.
- In the Enter Grades tab select the Import button.

- Under Import File click Choose File (Chrome) or Browse (Firefox), find the .TXT file that you were given, and select it.

- If you would like to create a new column in your Grade book while importing the Scantron report, check off the Item Creation option. If the desired column is already created, then leave this option NOT selected.
- Note: If the desired column is already created within your Gradebook, the Scantron file will have to be edited in order to upload successfully. You must change “Scantron” to the name of the existing column within your gradebook.

- If you choose to create a new grade item, ensure the proper type has been selected (numeric or a pass/fail assignment) and fill out the proper settings for Maximum Points and Weight have been set.
(Note: The Maximum Point set cannot be smaller than a Points Grade set within the Scantron file i.e., setting the maximum points to 10 when, in the Scantron file above, there are grades given up to 42 points.)
- Once all settings are set, a screen showing errors and warnings will appear. If no errors or warnings are found, then click continue to import the grades.

- Preview of Import will be shown with all the student’s names and grades. Click Import to finalize the Scantron import.