PaperCut - End-User Troubleshooting Guide


In order to print, the following are required:


**Important** Before going further, please make sure you are connected to the GlobalProtect VPN and (if on campus) you are connected to the wired network or the uwinsecure wireless network.

I got an email that says “Printing denied”

  • Contact your department administration to be added to the department group for printing.
  • Note: These changes will not take effect until 12:30 AM the following day

I swiped my UwinCARD on the Xerox MFD to log in and received the message “Card not associated with account. Would you like to associate?”

  • Select "Yes"
  • Enter your UWinID (no "") and Password
  • Follow the prompts to associate your UwinCARD until the Xerox MFD reads "Successfully associated"

My printer is not selectable as option

  • If your file was open before the printer was installed, close the file, reopen it and try to print again

When I try to release my print job on the printer, it won't release.

My printer won’t connect at all after I installed the printer

If the printer won’t connect after installation, restart your computer and try printing again.

My printer drivers won’t install. Instead it pops up with admin sign in and says “Requires Elevation”

In this instance, you are not an admin on your device. Either request to be set up as admin on your computer or have someone with admin rights log into the computer.

I'm getting the printer error message “Held for Resources”

Print job is default set to A4. Contact your department technician or submit a ticket. to have the printer default changed to “Letter.”

My printer isn’t printing or showing in Devices and Printers

  1. Open system tray (small upward pointing arrow in bottom right of screen)
  2. Select the green printer icon (PaperCut Print Deploy Client)
  3. Select "Refresh my printers now"

Note: if the above steps don’t fix the printer issue, contact your department technician or submit a ticket. for further assistance.

I'm on a shared device and can’t install the printer

Someone with admin rights needs to sign into the device to install the printer. Please contact your department technician or submit a ticket. for further assistance.

I'm using a personal device on campus and can't install a printer

To install the printer for the first time, please change your GlobalProtect VPN setting to "external":  

  1. Select the GlobalProtect VPN icon in the system tray (bottom right of your screen)
  2. Select the "Change Gateway" drop-down menu and select the external option
  3. Now you can follow the steps to set up printing on a BYOD without error

Once the printer is installed you can change it back to the Internal network.

My printer installation failed and the domain controller appeared

Sign out of your device and sign back in with your UWin Account. The printer should then work