After IBM Notes software was installed on your Windows or macOS workstation, you must go through the initial setup of the software on a first launch. The steps outlined in this document will help guiding you through the setup wizard.
- Ensure that you are connected to VPN (GlobalProtect) on (new VPN gateway). You will not be able to use Notes to connect to the server without VPN or on the old VPN gateway Additionally, you msut have Cortex XDR application installed and running. Also, you will not be able to use IBM Notes software on your workstation if it is not managed by Intune (i.e. joined to Azure AD if Windows, or enrolled in Intune if Mac).
- Launch IBM Notes using the icon on your Windows desktop or Mac Finder applications menu. Notes will greet you with information on setting up your workstation. Click Next.
- Type in your user name exactly the way it appears in Domino Directory, for example John Testerski/tester1/University of Windsor. Your user name was sent to you after Notes account was created for you. Next, type in your home Domino server name as CRONUS/University of Windsor
- In some cases, Notes setup will need to configure your server connection. If you don't see this screen in your setup, please skip to step 4
Make sure Set up a connection to a local area network (LAN) is selected, and click Next to continue.
Select TCP/IP from the drop-down list as connection type, and type in as server address (host name). Once you have typed this in, click Next.
If you get a message that “Server is not responding” or “unable to connect to server” see the notes at the end of this document.
- If Notes setup finds your Notes ID file in the ID Vault on the server, you will be prompted to enter your password. This password is different from your UWin Account password and was supplied ot you after your Notes account was created. If you do not know your password, you will need to request a password reset by opening a ticket.
If your Notes ID file cannot be found in the ID Vault, you will be prompted to specify a location of your ID file. Since each Notes user's ID file is currently stored in the Vault, this usually means that you did not specify your Notes user name or the server name correctly in the previous step. You will need to use the Previous button to go back and make the necessary corrections.
- On the final setup screen, you will be asked if you want to configure any of the additional services. Leave all boxes unchecked and click on Finish. Lotus Notes setup will now take a few minutes to configure your environment. There will be a progress bar displayed to inform you of each step along the way. You will be notified when this process is completed.
- If you get prompted with this message: IBM Notes is not currently set as your default email program. Would you like to set it now? - check the box next to In the future, do not perform this check and click on No.
- If you get prompted to upgrade your mail file design, click Cancel. Once setup is completed, Notes will prompt you to select a Location document. Please be sure to select Online.